About R. Hixon E.

Rachael H. Emmons is a a fiber artist living in North Windham, Maine. She has been designing, weaving and spinning from her home studio for two score and ten years.  Rachael’s weaving spans from fine, transparent tapestries from table and home goods and historical reproductions, and even industrial and bleeding-edge experimental fabrics. 

More about Rachael


Etsy Store

The R. Hixon E. Etsy store contains limited quantities of specialty handwoven goods ranging from napkins and towels to scarves and blankets. 

Throughout her career, Rachael has insisted that handwoven products are for everyone and are meant to be used, not left in the closet for special occasions.  

R. Hixon E. on Etsy


From the notebooks

Weavers, like many project-oriented creators, often keep notebooks full of sketches, swatches and technical notes. Rachael has shelves and shelves of these notebooks as well as stories of some of the most interesting technical and creative projects from her years as an artisan. 


From the Notebooks


Chef Towels off and on the loom

“I feel good when I’m weaving,” says Rachael when I remind her that the Etsy stuff is supposed to be fun not an all-out push to get stuff done. Whipping things off the loom… The chef towels are a popular item on the Etsy store so Rachael put them back on the loom to make… Continue reading Chef Towels off and on the loom